Monday, June 11, 2012


I'm just venting, so if you don't want to read this, you can skip it. 

I'm getting so tired of our neighborhood! Today while I was home with the kids, (sometime between 11:30 and 3:00pm) somebody came into our yard, pulled out one of our tomato plants, picked our strawberries, pulled out our tomato cages and put them in the yard, picked all of our new peppers off of our pepper plant and pulled out our flowers in the front flower bed! I'm pretty upset about it too. We have worked so hard on our yard and garden and have spent countless hours and money on it. It feels like such a waste of time! This isn't the first time we have had issues either. We have had a number of things stolen out of our carport and also out of our cars. We have had two scooters stolen, a gas can full of gas, and some other little things as well. our neighbors have also had issues with stolen items such as bikes, lawnmowers, cameras and purses. I'm so tired of it! Not to mention that a month or so ago somebody literally took a giant dump in our garden! I'm serious! a giant adult turd was in our garden the morning after we planted all our vegetables! We thought it may have been a huge dog, but since the garden had just been tilled, we could clearly see adult size footprints around the turd. I have also struggled with our neighbors dogs pooping in our yard nearly every single day and people littering in our yard as they drive by. I find cigarette butts, soda and beer cans, paper garbage and once I actually found a bong! Crazy I know. It doesn't seem like such a bad neighborhood, but sometimes I wonder. How can people be so disrespectful of others property? I understand the occasional neighbor kid messing around, but all these problems have sure added up over time! our neighbors are pretty nice too. It isn't like I can point to one and say "wow, they are just terrible neighbors." Sometimes I wish I could. It would make it a whole lot easier to deal with our problems.

Today it was probably a bored little kid wandering about the neighborhood that happened upon our yard to destroy our gardens. The stolen items were probably taken by bored teenagers. I just hate feeling like I can't leave my house or put nice things in our yard because they can just disappear or be destroyed at any time! what am I supposed to do about it? Not plant a garden? Put up a giant fence and padlock everything we own? Seriously.


Amber said...

Ooh, vandalism makes me SO angry. It is the most pointless type of crime! I like the giant fence idea. Like 20 feet tall. And spikes on the top.

H. Wimmer said...

I will not complain about the Dry Ice Bombs, the late night pool parties or the barking dogs anymore. After all its only noise.
Did you call the police because at a certain point if the damages are over a certain amount of money it can be criminal damages. Even if they don't find anyone they can have the police patrol the area.

Several months ago we had cars getting broken and stolen the police would have cars drive though the area and it paid off one night they arrested two teenagers boosting cars. Its wasn't my street but it was in the area.

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

I feel for you - one day I planted over 50 plants and the next day found them all pulled out and spread down the street. I collected them all up and luckily only a few had been run over. I replanted them and only had to buy a few more. Then again after they were good size someone destroyed a couple of them and I had to buy bigger plants to replace them. I too am unable to understand why!

Joan said...

Maybe you need a security camera.

Unknown said...

We had a year that bikes disappeared every time you left one out. We were working on one and went to answer the phone and the bike was gone less then 2 mins we found it in the street up a few houses since the tires were both flat and it had no brakes yet. A pain for sure...the last two years have been better and our bikes stay put where ever the kids put them down. Maybe the problem will move before you do.

Nikki S said...

We moved across town partly because of bad neighbors. I would definitely have the police write up a report every time so there is proof if they ever catch them. I would have had them bag the poo too, although I know they would never have done anything with it :) I am so sorry. Remember this is a saying because lots of people have found it to be true "Good fences make good neighbors."

John said...
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Lary said...

I would be ticked too. People are so lame. I have a great solution to your problem, move to Layton :)
Alyssa is so big, why do babies have to change so fast?
Cute girl.

Lary said...

oh crap, this is Michelle. I always forget to change out of my dad's account. The perks of living with parents :)