We went to the annual Arnold Halloween party again this year. Randy and I decided to go as Mary Poppins and Bert. We found 90% of our costumes at the D.I. I made a parrot at the bottom of an umbrella by using paper mache and then painted it to look like a bird. I made my hat out of baskets and flowers I found at the D.I.
Bert and Mary. aka Randy and Heather

Yeah, they pretty much blew us out of the water for best costume. I couldn't believe she made nearly everything except for the wigs (which they braided themselves) and they bought the ears. Someday Randy and I will win best costume! We did get 2 of the 14 votes though, so that says something right?
The desert I made. Chocolate niece with skulls and spider webs.
Pretty sweet though right? Randy did not want to pose for a picture at 1:00 in the morning. Go figure.
Thanks Mom and Dad for watching the kids overnight for us! Especially since our sweet Lily Bean was throwing up and so sick. We love you!
I also need to thank my awesome friend Melissa for coming over and helping me do my retarded hair and attach that blasted basket to my head. She did a great job especially considering what she had to work with. Thanks Melissa!
I also need to thank my awesome friend Melissa for coming over and helping me do my retarded hair and attach that blasted basket to my head. She did a great job especially considering what she had to work with. Thanks Melissa!
The Avatars are pretty cool and I can see why they won, HOWEVER--your costumes rocked as well. I don't think they blew you out of the water, they just rocked the boat a bit :).
The parrot is my favorite part. Sweet.
Cute cute cute! I totally love your costumes (although we are a bit Mary Poppins biased around here). You would have had my vote for best!
What a fun party!
so cute!
love your costumes.
You all look so totally awesome! How fun! I love Halloween. Glad you guys had fun. I had fun looking at your pictures from your cruise. looks like you guys had a blast and went with a fun group.
How did you make that parrot?! That is awsome. You and Randy really do look great. You are so good at paying attention to EVERY detail. I love it. And yes, those Avatar costumes were unreal! Holy cow.
Avatar schmavatar. I can't believe how much u look like a young Julie Andrews! Really, all those costumes are pretty great. :)
Wow! What a fun party. I seriously got amazing ideas for this Halloweens. I only have to look for an event venue that is scary as anything. Rest is all been taken care of. It was lovely going through this blog. I simply loved the red riding hood, the wolf and the Avatars.
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