Friday, November 30, 2007

Tyler Says

Yesterday Tyler was watching me while I was working out and
he said: "Mom, why do you excersize?"
I said: "So I can be healthy and strong."
Then I said: "why do you excersize Ty?"
Tyler said: "I excersize so my nipples will get willwee willwee big!"

I bet you can't read that and not at least crack a smile! who knew that big nipples was anybody's goal.
Ha Ha Ha


Michelle said...

He is so dang funny! I can't get over some of the things he says. BTW, I got my stocking hanger thing at ABC catalog two years ago for only $7. You can look at

TStevens said...

Strangley enough, that is why I exercise as well. And just because we are related doen't make any less of a internet weirdo.

About the pictures, I know how to put one in a post, but don't you have to store the original somewhere on-line, like flicker, so the blog can access it? Or do you just paste it in from your c drive?