Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tagged questions about my spouse and me

Tagged questions about my spouse and me!
(I don't know if anyone will have learned anything they didn't already know by reading this, but feel free if you have extra time.)

What is his name?

How long have you been together?
for almost six years

How long did you date?
we dated for 5 months before we were engaged, and then another 3 before we were married

How old is he?

Who eats more?
he eats more because when I eat the same as him, he gets upset (you know, the whole pizza rule)

Who said I love you first?
Randy did; there was a very long silence that followed.

Who is taller?
Randy, but only by an inch. so, if I wear shoes of any kind, I am usually taller.

Who sings better?

Maybe this should be my next pole question. I think that we both think we sing better than the other one.

Who is smarter?

Randy. well, at least he sounds like he knows what he is talking about most of the time; whether or not he actually knows the answers.

Who does the laundry?
I do.

Who does the dishes?
Randy does about 90% of the time. (yeah that's right girls!)

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Randy does. on the very edge, because I tend to sleep in the middle.

Who pays the bills?
Mostly Randy, but I do it every once in a while. He does the budget too.

Who mows the lawn?
Randy mows the.....uh...dead looking stuff around our house. does that count?

Who cooks dinner?
I cook dinner most of the time. I love it most of the time too. If Randy is in charge of dinner, he just picks something up on his way home from work.

Who drives when you are together?
Always Randy! I hate driving.

Who is more stubborn?
I think I am more stubborn. Just try convincing me otherwise!

Who kissed who first?
Does it count as a kiss when Randy backs you into a corner so you have no place to go?

Who asked who out first?
I think the answers to all these questions are RANDY!

Who proposed?
Um... yeah, Randy

Who is more sensitive?
Randy probably wants me to say ME (especially when I am hormonally crazy which is most of the time.)

Who has more friends?
If niether of us have friends, who has more? maybe me by one or two.

Who has more siblings?
Randy beat me out by one sibling.

Who wears the pants in the family?

Randy again.

So to wrap up, Randy does everything and I just follow his lead. It is a good thing is a terrific spouse in the first place! Love you babe! (and I mean Randy, not you Rick!) :)


Cormorant said...

Hey! It was nice getting to know more about you and Randy. And I loved his song. Ha ha: ReddieWhip. Oh, so I found you on Amber T's blog, which I found on her sister Chelsey's blog, which I got from her at a work party because her husband just joined Jeff's company. Whew. That's how. But I'm glad I did! We need to chat more. I'm sorry the ocean ate your cellphone. Do you still have your old number? I'll call you if you do (I hesitate to give my number out over blog). Anyway, now that this is an email, I'll give you my old email (over blog) and then you can email me and then I'll email you from my real address. Whew again! Anyway, hope all is well. Email me at b2night at juno dot com. Take care!

TStevens said...

The correct answer to who is smarter is "Randy's brother in law".

But enough about Karl.

Heather said...
