Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The title says it all. I really am a supermom. I didn't want to say anything until now, but I just got a new power and I am so excited about it that I have to out myself.

Yesterday I successfully changed Jacobs diaper and put him in his crib. That in of itself is not an unusual feat, but I did it all while he was fast asleep! (I forgot to change him before putting him down for the night). I am very proud of my new talent! I even put him in new pants too! It is about time I found more of my magical powers! If you didn't know it already, I have eyes in the back of my head, can grab a child at super speed before he falls down the stairs, I have super hearing as well as enough arms to hold a baby, groceries, a purse and a phone to my ear. I guess I should change my blog name to "the life of a supermom." I am still waiting to... be in two places at once and look good in spandex though. Here's hoping!


Michelle said...

Now that is a sweet superpower!

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

What the look good in spanex!

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

In case you are wondering - the last comment had to do with michelle's comment

Tina Sims Gifford said...

Spandex is over-rated. I think you should just go for a cape... now CAPES are sexy. And practical. Just think of all the times it could come in handy. It could double as a blankie, bandaid, tissue, even diaper. The list goes on and on.

Cormorant said...

Capes? Didn't you see "The Incredibles?" Don't do the cape. And stay away from the spandex--even though I'm sure you are hot stuff in it. What you really need is killer go-go boots, like Wonder Woman...

Heather said...

Good suggestions people! I will keep them in mind. the cape thing reminds me of "grandma's apron" used for everything! I would definately love some killer go go boots! too bad Tina already IS wonder woman. don't most supermoms wear moo moos or something?

Heather said...

Just kidding Tina!I know that you are more of a She-ra!