Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sigh, I've been tagged again.


Okay, so I have been tagged with this one about four times, I guess I will do it and maybe I won't be tagged anymore. I can't promise it will be interesting or funny to YOU though.

#6. Even though I am out of practice, I can burp, well, belch really well. No, seriously, I have not lost a competition yet. And I don't use soda or anything else to cheat with.

#5. I did not kiss a boy until I was in College. Even though I had the option before. No, my first kiss was not Randy. Although he was my 2ND. (and best I might add)

#4. I love dill pickles! I used to ask for a jar for my birthday every year when I was a kid. Yep, I even drank the leftover pickle juice from the jar. That and ketchup sandwiches which include ketchup on bread.

#3. Speaking of eating gross things, I once licked a sucker that my friends found on the ground for just one dollar. I used to earn my extra lunch money by doing stupid entertaining things for them.

#2. I, like everyone else in my family can recite the ABC's backwards as well as forwards. We can sing it or say it. I thought this was normal growing up and was very surprised in the 4Th grade when I learned otherwise. this "talent" has not really come in handy until I was called to be the sunbeam teacher. The kids LOVE it! Who knew?

#1. If I could rid the world of one thing, it would be animals dressed as humans.

Alright, I did it! Now, I am not going to tag anyone because It is annoying. That's right! Like when I was a kid and hated playing tag. They would just tag me anyway even though I didn't want to play and then I was "it" for eternity, or I had to play. I guess I am okay with being "it" for eternity now.
p.s. the same goes for chain letters and chain e-mails so don't even think about it!


Shanna Blythe said...

I'm so tagging you for ANY tags I get. Wa ha ha. But I promise not to send you the e-mails. ;)

Heather said...

Just as long as you know I will get you back when you least expect it! So leave your little chuckles for another time. :)

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

Did you tell Randy these things before you got married? How come the poll is closed? I don't think it was even up 24 hours.

Heather said...

The poll was up for 6 days...I think. I think Randy knew most of them. Isn't it nice that Randy loves me regardless of my faults! I could add plenty more, but I can't share all my secrets. I hope you both still love me too! :()

TStevens said...

You guys were meant for each other. Randy once told me that he didn't kiss a guy until college either!

Heather said...

He he he!