Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our New Addition(s)!

Yeah! guess what we got. Well, I guess I should start at the beginning. A couple of days ago I invited some friends of mine to take our kids to the park for lunch at the new park down the road from us. As we walked to the park, we saw some workers digging up the trees they had planted a few months ago and they were planting new trees. We girls sat down at a picnic table and were discussing why they would be taking out these perfectly good trees and planting new trees. When the workers came close to us, Rachelle and Wendy walked over to ask them why and also ask what they were doing with the trees they were digging up. They told them that the city was making them replace the old trees because the tops of them had died and so they were replacing them with the exact same trees! Rachelle asked what they were doing with the old trees and they said they were just going to throw them away. Then she asked if we could take some and they said sure. So the work began. Rachelle got her husband Steve to come over on his lunch break and look the trees over. Then they loaded up some into his truck before he had to go back to work. I had to run back home to babysit some neighbors kids and just planned on having Randy borrow a truck and pick up our trees later that day when he got home from work. To my surprise, before Randy returned from work, Rachelle showed up with her brother at my house with four trees for me! I was so very excited. When Randy got home from work, we got to work planting the trees. He dug a couple of holes, bought some mulch and we planted two trees the first day and two trees the next day. I am really hoping that the trees live! We were pretty careful about how we treated the trees and we planted in some pretty good soil and added B1 to the roots to help them out. We also broke up the roots pretty good so they could spread out more easily. By the way, I'm pregnant. I think we have done pretty much all we can do, so now we just have to wait and see how they flourish. They are pretty nice trees and apparently they adapt well to different soil types, do well in hot climates and are pretty hardy. They tend to grow about 70 feet tall and about 60 feet wide. so they should be great for shading us from the hot west sun in the evening. we planted them in our parking strips on the west side as well as one in the parking strip in the front of the house. Although we didn't get the best of the bunch of trees and didn't pick them out ourselves, I think they look decent, albeit a little small since we trimmed off the dead branches. A lot of it is still green though. I am so excited that we actually have some landscaping done now!

Our littlest tree in the front. The root ball is twice as big as the tree!

Our three trees on the West side of the house.

They are "Bloodgood London Plane Trees"

Arent they so cute!


Paige said...

congrats on your new trees, trees really are the best and the more trees the better, especially in the desert and all...oh and congrats on the dork, when are ya due?

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

Heather you sound like you came from our family. That is exactly the way I did things for our new house. Bricks from a chimney to build our patio. Cobblestones from a building site for a front walkway. Good luck on those trees - they look good in the picture.

When is the new addition due.

Grandpa and Grandma B said...

I think you are trying to find out how well people are reading your blog. This will make 18 come 2009!!! YEA!! The trees sound great can't wait to see them. Love E

Nessa said...

Yeah congrats on the trees. New trees are so special and wonderful. There is nothing as wonderous as new trees in your yard...oh, and good news about the baby, but THE fabulous!:)

Michelle said...

You told your family you're pregnant on the blog, you are a goof. But congratulations - I guess since most of my friends have two or three kids, I should be able to handle one right? Ya, I'm still working on it. You really are super mom!

Ali said...

Ben A. says: Was it true when Randy said you were pregant to Michelle and I? I bet it was.

Ali says: You dork, who tells people over the Internet when you can tell us all in person today?!? Well, congrats. Is she due around Alonzo's Birthday?

Unknown said...

Trees and a baby. Good way to spread the news. You have to read pretty carefully to get it all. Terrific three boys, then maybe a girl. You got to follow the rules of the family, only Kristi can get away with breaking them.

TStevens said...

So you decided to go with my plan and have the dozen kids - Awesome. Finally someone is listening to me. Keep this up and your life will be great.

Unknown said...

Congrats...on both accounts.

Clayton and Amber said...

I thought about leaving you a really LONG comment and hiding a secret message for you...but I decided against it. I just don't have the creativity that you have! Congrats on the trees...and CONGRATS ON #3!!!

Michelle said...

aren't ya gonna tell us when baby #3 is due?

Jess said...

Very SNEAKY! I'm excited for you! Oh and the trees look great :)