Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nothing is as Constant as Change

I've been learning this all my life, but it is still hard to handle change when it does come. Today Randy got called into the bishopric in our ward. I am now an official member of the "lonely wives club" on Sundays. We will see how it goes having to take care of the three kids all by myself in sacrament meeting. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I am totally OK with his new calling though, in fact I wasn't surprised at all that he was called to this position. He will do a wonderful job and he is a great leader. I look up to him so why wouldn't others? Anyway, Thought I would let my thoughts on the matter be known. I am proud of Randy and I am sure this will be a blessing for both of us.
Thanks to Kristi and Karl's family,Michelle and Robby's family, my Mom, Dad and Grandmother for attending our sacrament meeting and supporting Randy today.
We love you. (Thanks to everyone else for your well wishes.)

I have to say that I am sad to see this beard go away. I guess I had better get used to a clean shaved Randy. It may be a while before the sexy beard comes back.


Steve said...

As David said in a previous post, Randy would make a great Bishop (and of course counselor), in part because of his great wife.

And have fun with the sitting by yourself thing. I was just talking about that on my blog today as Micah was out of town and I sat with the kids by myself. Lots of "twisting, bending" and threatening kids to sit down and be quiet or else...

Nessa said...

Congrats to Randy, and our best wishes to you and the kids...if anyone can handle three kids by themselves it has got to be you...everything will work out and the blessings you recieve will be great!

H. Wimmer said...

You will have to post a picture of Randy without his beard. I think the last time I saw when without a bread was??? Your Wedding...I think..
Anyhow I keep hoping Doug and I stay Sunday school teachers forever...