Lily is sporting a new hat today. Doesn't she look adorable?
I can't believe how fast this girl does things. (Which is funny cause Jake did the same thing). Two days ago, we walked in her room to get her after her nap and found her standing up waiting for us....seriously? It is crazy! Also, more often than not, I see her "crawling" around and then she stops and pushes herself up to a sitting position. I don't know why I'm still surprised by her reaching these milestones so quickly, but I am. Baby center just e-mailed me telling me she may start to move forward (crawling or creeping) next month. Yeah, been there done that.
I also threw in a couple of cute videos (for you who aren't around so much to see the kiddos.) Jake thought that in her hat she looked like she should be pulled "like a horsey"
Adorable! I especially loved the video.
LOve the HOt scary photos.
They look like twin a few years apart!
thanks I always enjoy the pics and especially the videos!
I love her talking. She really is a cutie. And Jakey pulling her like a horse is hilarious. Funny kids.
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