Okay, so I know Mother's day was a while ago and now it is closer to Father's Day. But considering I still haven't bought my wheat grinder from last years Mother's Day, I think we are doing pretty well. For Mother's Day this year, Randy made me a garden box using the railroad ties that were in the yard when we bought the house. Yesterday we finally got some plants planted in it. We bought 3 tomato plants, 3 different pepper plants, watermelon, some peas and some marigold flowers to help keep some of the pesty bugs away. Why no squash or cucumbers? Because they are nasty! here are some Pics of our new garden:
Don't you just love our gorgeous lawn around it?
the boys also picked out plants to grow. they picked the 'Veggie Tales' watermelon grower. They are each holding their watermelon planters. We will see how they do after we transplant them into the garden.
So is this a salsa garden or are the tomatoes and peppers a coincidence?
I am envious. We never seem to have the energy to get out and do a garden. Two of our neighbors are quite the gardeners though so we reap the blessings of their sowing at the end of the season when they show up at the door with more tomatoes than they know what to do with...
It looks great!! In our garden, everything died but the herbs that have now taken over the area--don't plant herbs. You've been warned. I'll let you know when then twinners are coming home and then you can see my Pamela Anderson boobs. Maybe Dolly Parton--wait, whose bigger? Ya, they are already that huge.
I hope to make a garden in my backyard after we remove all the rocks..but it won't nearly be as big as yours...jealous YUP!!
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