Saturday, January 26, 2008

mourning the loss of a tip :(

You know when you are chopping vegetables with your wonderful knife set and you tend to chop really fast (just because you can) and your sweet boy comes up to you and you look at him for just a second and when you look back at the vegetables you notice a sharp pain and also that the tip of your finger is missing? Yeah, I wish I didn't know that feeling either! Once I got the bleeding stopped (which took a lot longer than I would have thougt) I really checked it out and found that it was a pretty clean cut. No, I did not go to the doctor. what would the doctor do anway that I can't do on my own? It is bandaged and clean, and now I just have to wait for the gift of healing to take place. My poor little pointer finger! I miss the tip! it is the best part you know.

Let's see... some silver linings for this situation would be.... aaah, If I didn't have really sharp knives it would have been a jagged messed up cut instead of a clean one and I would have gone to the doctor and spent a lot of money. Oh, another silver lining... at least I am not mourning the loss of a beautiful fingernail too! I don't have much when it comes to fingernails.

some advice for anyone with children or even distractions in their home; chop wisely!


Ali said...

That is such a sad story. . . and actually one of my biggest fears. I don't chop very fast because I am pretty afraid of doing that. I hope your finger grows back normally.

Dad said...

I am very sorry you got hurt. Your parents should have taught you better how to use knives safely. What else did we miss teaching you? Are you sure the doctor couldn't have stitched back on the missing finger tip?

Heather said...

Yes, it is so sad that my parents didn't teach me well. It was too small a tip to stitch back on. I'll live though.
Randy keeps on saying he told me so. (he thought me having sharp knives would be a bad idea even though statistically you are more likely to cut yourself with a dull knife than a sharp one.)

Michelle said...

Ouch! I'm so sorry, and unfortunately I do know that feeling.