Sunday, January 27, 2008

"We Thank The, O God, For A Prophet!"

It is weird how sad and happy a day can be at the same time. I am sure a lot of you agree with me when you heard that president Hinckley has died, and it truly breaks your heart and you also feel so happy when you think of the Joyous homecoming in heaven taking place right now! What an interesting feeling it gives you. I truly don't know whether to cry or laugh with happiness.

I thought I would just tell a couple of my very favorite "Hinckley moments." I have been lucky enough to have seen him a number of times, and always what I think of when he comes to mind is the feeling that I get. The spirit is so strong it is indescribable. I think of how he adds humor to very spiritual and serious conversation and him... you know, hitting people with his cane.

My all time favorite memory is when we went to Stake conference as a family. I can't remember how old I was. Probably in Jr. High though. Before the meeting started, my little brother Ben needed to go to the bathroom and I volunteered to take him. As we were walking out, we decided to get a drink, so we were waiting in line by the drinking fountains. Ben said to me "Hey, there's the prophet!" and I said (without looking) "No Ben, the prophet isn't here, it is Stake conference." He insisted, so I glanced to my left and to my surprise, there he was! President Hinckley, The prophet, was walking down the hall and had just passed us! I'm not sure why he came to the meeting, but I remember that it was the coolest thing ever to have the Prophet sitting up there so close to us.
He has said so many things that have touched my heart, that I can't really say them all. All there is to say is that I will always remember my "Hinckley moments" and I am glad I have had the opportunity to have them. I guess the title says it all "We thank the, O God, for a Prophet!"


Ali said...

I'm glad you wrote your little story about stake conference. I didn't know that about you. I had a similar experience I wrote about in my blog.

Michelle said...

Hey, we must think alike! Before reading your blog today I wrote a little comment of my own about President Hinckley and titled it "We Thank Thee for a Prophet" I guess great minds think alike. He was such a great man and he will be greatly missed.