Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tyler Says....What!?!

Some of you may know that my mother and father-in-law are staying with us this week. Since they are staying at our house, there is no avoiding getting up close and personal. So here is the conversation we sat at breakfast one morning.

Grandpa: "Tyler, do you want to say a blessing on the food?"
Ty: "Um.. no, we don't do that at breakfast."
Me (hoping not to look horrible in front of my in-laws): "Yes we do Ty!"
Grandpa: "You don't bless the food?"
Ty (very casually): "No, my mom doesn't teach me anymore."
Me: "What!? I teach you to say prayers Ty."
Ty: "well, Faye's mom teaches me now."

It was then that I realized he was talking about me not being his primary teacher anymore because he is out of sunbeams and onto CTR5. We did (and do) bless the food and had a good laugh, but geeze Ty! FYI I do teach my son to do the following: bathe, brush his teeth, say his prayers clean his room, read the scriptures, etc. (just in case he tells you otherwise). I guess I should be prepared for the things Tyler says, but I don't know if that is possible. Nothing like your son helping you look and act your best in front of your father-in-law eh?


Michelle said...

Too, too funny. The other day I was windexing my mirror and my nephew came up to me and said, Uh Shell, do you know what you are doing? Yes, I said. Cuz I don't think you do, let me help you.

It's a good thing we have 4 year olds, they keep us in our place. I used to think I was a pretty good cleaner to but now I'm not so sure, since I was busted by the kindergarten cop!

Michelle said...

The truth comes out. We all knew your supermom routine was just an act. We knew that someday the truth would come out and we would find out that you are not actually perfect at EVERYTHING!
That is hilarious!

Heather said...

I don't know what you are talking about. of course I am perfect at EVERYTHING!
very funny!

Clayton and Amber said...

I visit your blog each time I log on my computer now, I don't want to miss one episode of "Ty says....What!?!". I cracked up at this one. Tyler you are so awesome...and Heather, I do believe you teach your children. Hilarious though. It's a good thing no one can understand my Tyler quite yet, I'm in trouble.