Saturday, April 4, 2009

From Randy: I Loved Him

90 years young with Tyler and 4 other GreatGrandKids.

My grandpa died last night. He was such a great guy. I loved him so much. He made me feel so loved when he was around. When he came to visit we knew we would have fun. He had a nickname for me. Called me panda bear. I don't know why he did, but it made me feel special. I used to love coming home from school when he would visit. He'd be a sleep in his chair and I go into the living room and sit on the couch waiting for him to wake up. I'm sure I woke him up a few times. He played basketball with me, he baptized me, and he even cleaned up after my friends T.P.'d the house. (He rerolled them and we used it.) He was there when the dogs knocked me off the picnic table to hold me. I loved him. He couldn't have been a better Grandfather. I will miss him but am glad he's been called home.

My parents have a nice slide show of him on their blog.


Unknown said...

I will miss him.

Nessa said...

If a man could be measured by how many people loved him, Grandpa would have been over a thousand feet tall.

H. Wimmer said...

I miss him too.

Michelle said...

So sorry about your grandpa Randy, that's a tough one.