Saturday, February 16, 2008

Help! My sons are POTHEADS!

Okay, I know I have been in denial about this for quite sometime. I just thought; "well, as long as it doesn’t affect their behavior everything will be all right" right? Unfortunately, I was wrong. Terribly wrong! I really think they have a problem. It seems like every time I turn around, one of them, or both, has a pot on his head! I'ts hard for me to admit this, but they readily share this not so secret addiction. They, or at least Ty calls himself a "pothead" and he does it with absolutely no remorse! You never think it will happen to your own family.It seems to have escalated lately as well. Jakey definately has the worse problem; he is just the right height for those cupboards to taunt him all day long! I can't believe I let them do it to start with! I can’t say they have to stop now. Or can I? I wish I could just say “boys will be boys” and laugh it off. But I just can't! It has created one major problem in my life. That’s right! I have to say it….. I have to wash a pot every time I need to use one because they are always dirty! AAAAHHHH! They have even moved on to buckets, bowls, funnels and pitchers! What’s next? I hope they never get so bad off they try things like muffin tins! Those are so hard to clean! My hands are so dry from washing pots, and don’t get me started on the soap bill! It feels really good to finally get this information out. A huge burden has been lifted from off of my chest. Has anyone else ever had their sons addicted to putting things on their heads? They laugh and laugh; they are so high on living in the moment. Is there a support group for this kind of thing?
Sorry about the graphic pictures! I just had to tell someone!


Michelle said...

I think it is time for an intervention! You have got to take care of this problem before someone gets hurt. Seriously, you are hilarious.

Tina Sims Gifford said...

You need to warn me the next time you have such graphic pictures on your blog. I had children in the room with me! I can't believe they've been exposed to that sort of thing at such a young age. How could you!?! I thought you were my friend!

Heather said...

So sorry Tina! I just didn't know who to turn to! I hope they don't have nightmares or ask too many uncomfortable questions for you.