Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Resposibility?... What's that?

I know that as a stay at home mom I have responsibilities; I just choose not to aknowledge them sometimes. The MXPX song keeps running through my head:
"Responsibility? whats that? Responsibility? not quite yet! Responsibility? whats that? I dont want to think about it; wed be better off without it. I don't want to think about it!"
If you visit my house often, you will immediately know when I am into a really good book. The reason is that my normally (mostly) clean house is an absolute mess, I am not wearing makeup, the kids are still in their pajamas and I am surprised at what time it is. As you probably guessed, this is the case right now. I probably should be ashamed to admit this, but I'm not. I am reading "seize the night" by Dean Koontz. It's a: can't put this down yet, get yourself some food good book! As per his usual books, he has yet again captured my undivided attention for the past couple of days. Good for him, unfortunate for my neglected house and family. I think that Tyler has watched way too much TV and Jake has definately eaten his fill of crumbs off the floor. Poor Randy has to come home to a messy house, messy wife and very energetic children ready to wrestle after a long boring day. Do you think I have a nice meal ready on the table for him as well? Yep, I think not. Well, the good news is I am almost done with my book (even though I have peeled my eyes away long enough to check my e-mail and update my blog), and don't you think valentines day will be extra special this year when mommy is ready to play, the house is clean and meals will be made? I like to think so. No wonder Randy gets that look on his face when I come home from the library with a new book! Can't say as I blame him. Well, wish me luck in my catching up this week!
-crazy messy book worm mom


Michelle said...

I can completely identify with that. Except I must be old because I don't recognize the song. Oh well. I'll have to get that Koontz novel. I haven't read that one yet.

Shanna Blythe said...

LOVE Dean Koontz. I think he is a great writer. We have some neighbors however, who describe him as "sandpaper on the eyes". Not sure why, but hey!

When I read books everything else goes by the wayside too. Isn't that how it should be?