Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tyler Says

Ty: "why do mom's hate potty words?"
me: "because they are yucky words that don't make us feel good"
Ty: "well, why do mom's hate potty words but grandmas don't"
Me: "what do you mean?"
Ty: "I said a potty word to grandma and she laughed; so she likes them."
Me: "Oh really!"
Ty: "I can say potty words when they are funny and they make me waff (laugh) right? I will just say potty words to grandmas and not to mommy's so I be in trouble."

Speaking of trouble, Grandma! you are in big trouble!


Ali said...

That is the funniest "Tyler Says" yet. I laughed and laughed and laughed. Grandma is in trouble! I will have to make sure she knows what our potty words are so she doesn't just laugh at them :). I love you mom!

Michelle said...

He is a smart kid! He is only 4 and he already knows there is a BIG difference in how mom responds to things and how grandma responds to things. You are in big trouble with this kid. You know that right?

Heather said...

michelle, no I didn't realize that I was in big trouble with ty. but thanks for making me PANIC!

Jess said...

Ha ha, I guess it's funny when you're not the diciplinarian! He's hilarious.
P.S. This is my favorite blog background yet! Where'd you find it?

Shanna Blythe said...

So stinkin' funny!!!

Clayton and Amber said...

Tyler you are one smart boy! This just made my day-I love telling clayton all the great things ty says. I love the blog template too! You continue to put us all to shame heather. Love you.

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing I read today by far! I didn't even know Ty knew potty words, he was always so good when we were around.

Ok so you'll need to check out my blog in the next few days. I'm giving it a face lift over spring break. Which reminds me....we should do lunch. I'm free Thursday -20th, Friday-21st, and Monday-24th. Let me know.