Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Hypnobirth Video

Here is MY personal hypnobirth video. (don't worry, it isn't graphic; it just shows the labor and that is it. I am so excited to do it again! And other than me looking so uh....pretty, it is fun to watch.

We only did short clips during the labor because Randy needed to help me concentrate. It ends kinda fast because the baby came only a few minutes after the last video was shot. my labor lasted about 4 and 1/2 hours and was awesome. enjoy.


Nessa said...

If I have another one I think that I might try that! You looked soo calm...are you sure you were having a baby? :)

Michelle said...

It's still so hard to believe, but that is definitely the way to do it if you can. I can't wait to hear about how the next one goes.

Shanna Blythe said...

Could I get rid of cramps this way????!!!

Heather said...

Since labor is basically uterine contractions and cramps are the same thing, I'm sure you could have no pain or make a lot less uncomfortable through hypnosis. I use it on tons of things besides labor. For instance, I use it to get to sleep every night and so does Randy. I'm afraid you can't ever get rid of cramps though or labor for that matter. :)

TStevens said...

As a oerson who knows crazy -- You are CRAZY.

And I am a wimp.