Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby update

I guess I should call it a pregnancy update since there is no baby yet. Still a lot of contractions, sometimes very consistent and timable but they always seem to just fade away. I want to say though that my "false labor" does NOT hurt. It doesn't bother me much either. I didn't practice hypnobirthing for nothing! If you relax and breathe it won't bother you at all. Anyway, I also want to say that I am not as miserable as everyone seems to think I am. I am not dying, I am pregnant. All the contractions are getting on my nerves though because it makes me excited she is coming and then I have a big let down when she doesn't follow through. I am frustrated also though, because the longer she stays in my belly, the more likely my midwife will suggest inducing labor. Since I want as natural a labor as possible, this worries me. If my baby is in some medical need or danger from being "over due" than of course I will consider my medical options. I have another appointment with my midwife tomorrow and we will see where I am at. We may have to do a non-stress test and an ultrasound to make sure she is doing ok. She is kicking around a lot so I am not too worried about her and she still plays "find my foot" with Randy, so we are enjoying her last days inside of me. I will keep you all updated as often as I can.


Grandpa and Grandma B said...

I love your attitude! Love Dad

H. Wimmer said...

You have an awesome attitude!!Good Luck and we can't wait to get the phone call....I hope she is as good as sleeper as Roxie...

katester said...

Maybe the due date is off by a few days??? I am sure you will get some answers tomorrow...or earlier.

Cormorant said...

Those dang due-dates are never correct. The baby comes when the baby wants.

I'm glad you are being optimistic. I'm sure she'll be here before you know it! Good luck. :)

Dad said...

Come on Heather. It's time for the boys to come for a sleepover!
